Monthly Archives: May 2016

2 posts

Jenny’s 2nd Birthday

It’s hard to believe, but my little girl kitty turned two this month. As I look back at the photos I have taken since bringing her home I’m amazed at how much she has grown and developed, physically and in her personality, over the last 2 years.

I am so happy I have these photos so I can look back at her life, with me, so far. She is part of my family and like with all family members, I want to preserve the memories of her time on this earth. 

If you’re fur-baby is part of your family I hope you are documenting their time with you. If you don’t have the time to take photographs or find it frustrating because you are not getting the photos you want, let me help you get the shoots you will cherish for the rest of your life.

 ‘Jenny Many Dots’ & Her Birthday Balloon

Fun in the Sun

Nothing like watching dogs play in the sun. They look so joyous and free when they get outside after being indoors for the winter.
This is Zig Zag and Charlotte playing in the back yard after a week of rain. Ziggy discovered his tail but he just couldn’t catch it. Meanwhile, Charlotte ran around like a maniac with a rope toy in her mouth. Both of them finally flopped over in total exhaustion. Tired but definitely happy