Monthly Archives: August 2016

3 posts

Fun With Princess

Recently Community Animal Projects rescued a mama cat, Princess, and her 5 kittens. I had the pleasure of spending some time with Princess and her kittens. Today she let me photograph her for her adoption advertisement. She was very playful and loving. If you would be interested in adopting her please contact C.A.P.  at

Kitten Cuteness

Every year starting around May the kitten population booms. Unfortunately, the rescues, SPCA and municipal facilities become overrun with feral and domesticated baby felines.  I volunteer and try to help out these organizations by photographing the little fur-babies for their adoption profiles. These following photos are from a litter of kittens CAP has up for adoption, if you are interested in adopting one of these little cuties please leave me an comment.
Learning to Balance