Daily Archives: February 24, 2020

1 post

F-Stops & Photo Bytes – Pictures vs. Images

Pictures are often associated with the tangible object,
while an image is perceived as a file in a digital format. The difference being tangible versus digital.

While the digital form is incredibly convenient, easily shared through social media, it lacks staying power. If you are anything like me, you have 5000 digital photos of your kids, cat or whatever is important to you. These awesome, small little digital files can easily be shared to your friends, family and loved ones. But then what? They hang around in your phone or computer. if you’re really tech savvy you back them up onto another drive, sort them into files and then you forget about them. And then you go out and take more images. And the cycle continues. 

Also, digital files can be compromised at any given time and can be lost forever in a blink of an eye.

Pictures on the other hand, whether they are in a photo album, book form or hanging on your wall, you see frequently. You can touch it, feel, it, see it. It is a constant reminder, it is tangible, real and ever present. These are the photographs you connect with more frequently and readily. 

High-quality printed products are actually longer lasting compared to digital. Just ask yourself; how long before your hard drive, USB, or file sharing site becomes obsolete, closes down, or starts charging you for its service? On the other hand, I still have photos of my ancestors who crossed the Atlantic to Canada; photos taken in the 19th century!